While this is the main plot of the series mostly following the trio. This has sections that are specifically directed to Widck. So other characters plotline isn't included.
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Main Storylines:[]
The central narrative of the Purples series encompasses The Birth, The Omniverse story, and Yamoner story, which are all arc's stretching from the first to the twenty-ninth chapter, and continuing partly into the thirtieth. This storyline chronicles the unfolding events, conflicts, and characters, such as Widck, encountered throughout the series.
The birth:[]
Widck was scrying his planet by himself while drinking herbal tea when he heard a sudden explosion, prompting him to react quickly. Widck flies toward the parting and messy purple clouds, where he sees a vast world of dimensions and life. He soon calls for Enda and Voida to explore the Omniverse. Before they begin their exploration, they are confronted by the all-dimensional barrier, which they easily bypass using their powers. Widck soon explores the glowing universe and enters the galaxy 'Temps Rain,' a surreal glowing galaxy filled with entities that share similar glowing properties. Widck dashes toward each other at incredible speeds. He and his comrades soon chain and creates a pathway to follow throughout the Omniverse, and they head back to the pink lock. We cut to a hand swinging galaxies and crushing them with ease, this hand would be revealed to be the hand the limb of 'Shriken Balloon' a villainous balloon that would be the first antagonist that would spark the safeguarding goal that The Purples trio would develop. While Enda sits alone on a huge candy floatie in a chocolate marsh, reading a book of candy recipes, Widck informs her that they will be exploring the Omniverse for a period of time. Before they begin their exploration, they perform their ritual of enjoying herbal tea and cake. The Purples within this scenario interacts and communicates with each other sharing their thoughts and feelings with one other. After finishing their meal, they grasp each other's hands and immediately fly out of the Pink Lock Realm into the Omniverse.
The Purples trio explore's their first dimension together, The Multiverse of Action. While exploring the Omniverse as carefully as possible Voida seems to have a certain grudge with 'heroes,' to her, these heroes did nothing right and caused destruction and manipulation within their land. As they continued to explore the Multiverse of action a formidable force fills the screen, a bleak being with a beak as a face fills the screen and watches The Purples explore the Omniverse, she soon summons a villain, this villain would be named 'Shriken Balloon.' We explore planet Vosk, a planet that is entirely made from wax and wax related substances. The Purples trio soon discovers that galaxies are destroyed and attempts to locate the cause of destruction, the Purples explore the Omniverse landing in different planets that had these destroyed remains of galaxies. The Purples trio would retreat back to their own planet and Widck would scry the Omniverse. Widck suggests that a higher dimensional, maybe 60th dimensional figure is disrupting the Omniverse. Voida disagrees which creates a small quarrel between Widck and Voida. Enda stops it when she comes up with a solution to the problem. After finding out it was a creature named 'Shriken Balloon' they soon venture out to find this creature.
Omniverse story arc:[]
The Purples vs. Shriken Balloon:[]
We cut to the Purples dashing toward the Multiverse of Action, following the path taken by Shriken Balloon to pursue him and his goals. Meanwhile, Shriken Balloon is causing chaos on a planet. Upon landing, he crashes his arms through a building and attacks onlookers. The Purples, racing against time, soon reach speeds exceeding light as they head toward the planet. Shriken Balloon wreaks havoc across a country and threatens to destroy the entire planet, but the Purples intervene just in time.
Shriken Balloon reacts aggressively, hurling rocks at the trio. They quickly avoid the attack along with drawing their own weapons, with Voida dodging the destruction but slightly altering the planet's axis. Voida leaps onto the rocks and strikes Shriken Balloon on the head with her Yo-Yo. As Shriken Balloon is thrown into the air, Widck grabs him and slams him down. Shriken Balloon then moves to a new location to cause further destruction, but Enda swiftly stops him with a barrage of physical attacks, ending with a sharp kick. Shriken Balloon lands in Widck's hands again and is thrown toward Voida, who grabs him with her Yo-Yo and slams him to the ground.
Shriken Balloon briefly catches Voida's Yo-Yo before being hit again. Voida delivers a kick to his face, sending him crashing into a building's wall. Enda follows with a massive explosion, which Widck amplifies with his swords to create an even larger blast. As Shriken Balloon's hand is blown away, the Purples fly to a tall building and use their powers to rebuild the city. However, Shriken Balloon resurrects and attempts to attack the Purples again but fails. He then launches a stronger attack, trying to smash Widck, Enda, and Voida with his hand. Voida blocks the attack with her legs, weakening Shriken Balloon.
Enda then hurls Shriken Balloon through the floor and follows up with a kick to the stomach. Widck uses his swords to pin Shriken Balloon to the floor and unleashes a light blast. He combines this with telekinesis and martial arts to further subdue Shriken Balloon. Widck then flies Shriken Balloon close to Voida's location, where she uses her strength to launch him onto a mountain. Voida follows by deploying a void attack, which ultimately kills Shriken Balloon, resulting in the partial destruction of a continent.
The Purples vs. Vellan Skin Taker:[]
We cut to the pink lock and Voida gazing upon the Omniverse from atop a pink stump, awe in her eyes. Voida jumps from the stump and lands in the midst of the rock, then teleports to Widck's personal domain: the snow dimension. Widck is observing the Omniverse through a scrying orb when he notices Voida. Although Voida is a bit shy and fearful around him, she engages in a great conversation, discussing her interactions with Enda and expressing her wish to have a similar relationship with Widck.
Soon after, Widck invites Enda to join them and informs them about exploring the Super Cluster, the Super Hub. The Purples trio ventures out into the Omniverse and gazes upon the Super Hub. Widck explains that it is a collection of trans-infinites (λ) stories and creations that operate with varying rules and realities. Enda and Voida ask questions, which Widck carefully answers using his scrying orb. Widck then grasps both their hands, and they proceed towards the Super Hub. We see a wide shot of the collection of stories and realities contained within dimensions, verses, and planes of existence. Widck, Enda, and Voida explore the Super Hub, staying close to one another, and soon enter a particular universe: Speed Ice. This universe operates outside the rules of natural reality. They encounter two beings fighting fiercely yet amicably.
The two beings are Samuel Klerk and his unnamed friend. They use various techniques and skills against each other: Samuel Klerk releases a massive wave of unknown magic intended to slash an opponent into millions of bits. Samuel's friend withstands the attack, resulting in an explosion, then dashes towards Samuel Klerk with extreme energy, delivering physical attacks and blows. Samuel's friend follows up with a blast of infinite energy. The Purples, sensing a potential cosmic threat to the Omniverse, fly towards the location of the battle to intervene.
Samuel Klerk releases another attack, which Samuel's friend dodges with ease. The Purples interrupt the battle in an attempt to stop it and intervene. Both Samuel and his friend pause, with Samuel Klerk giving them a confused look and asking if they are "from this dimension." The Purples explain their origins and abilities, and Samuel and his friend invite them to a table for a conversation, where they discuss their own powers and skills as well. The Purples parts their ways and ventures out once more.
The Purples soon explore another universe called Ayin World, a realm entirely devoid of creation and existence. Except one being, nothing. God Nothing. The god greets The Purples, recognizing that they are a force beyond the dimensions of both Ayin World and the Super Hub. The Purples respond cautiously, greeting the god with a mix of friendliness and wariness, unsure of its intentions.
We then cut to a being with a bird-like beak for a head, the same figure seen in Episode 3. This entity explains her nihilistic philosophy directly to the audience, revealing her view of the Ayin World god as a great mentor. After The Purples depart from the realm, Yamoner swiftly erases both the god and Ayin World with ease. She continues this destruction across several dimensions and universes.
The Purples start to notice the disappearing universes and realms and attempt to use their powers to restore them, but their efforts are futile. Feeling increasingly threatened, they begin to explore more of the Omniverse in search of the culprit.
We then cut to a massive spacecraft guarded by numerous guards, all under the command of one individual. This figure is Vellan Skin Taker previously introduced in Episode 4. Vellan orders her guards to torture various humans—churning, burning, and drowning them—to seemingly produce more products, which are then sent back to planet Makemake-b2. In a vast, dark realm known as The Abyss Plane, the figure seen in the previous episode is shown destroying multiple multiverses with ease. She dismantles these realms effortlessly, as if wiping away stains from a desk. Yamoner creates various villains, foreshadowing future episodes. Despite her claims that these creations are useless, they are strategically designed to delay the Purples from reconstructing and saving the Omniverse from total destruction. Afterward, Yamoner reclines and disappears into the void, followed by ominous sounds echoing throughout the Omniverse.
The scene shifts to Vellan Skin Taker’s ship, previously featured in Episode 5. The ship is equipped with several operational sections: C, B, A, and Supercell. Vellan lands on a planet named Planet 98-23 and announces her plan to produce more 'products' for the planet Makemake-b2, which would slightly contribute to its overconsumption. She ruthlessly captures individuals regardless of their strength or location, demonstrating her relentless pursuit.
Vellan swiftly overthrows all military and legal structures on Planet 98-23, using manipulation, propaganda, and initiating a global war, which she wins quickly. With all locations under her control Vellan captures every human and wild animal on the planet, confining them all within her ship’s cells. We cut to The Purples flying through the Omniverse and exploring many different dimensions as they do, until Widck senses danger throughout the Omniverse, he looks to his scry to see a seemingly endless amount of danger to solve, one particular dangerous one being Vellan Skin Taker, who is inside her supermassive ship, ready to other throw another territory. The Purples immediately reacts, with Widck opting to split up and defeat the countless villains before eventually reaching to Vellan Skin Taker. We cut to Vellan's ship, soaring through a huge galaxy towering over planets, moons and even plenty of stars.
Vellan checks her species count, which all humas quickly wipe-out to her surprise. After calling in one of the staff of her ship she discusses the business opportunities and products she plans to create. Seated on a bean bag, she rests her hands behind her back before letting out a pleasured sigh. Suddenly, a hero from the Multiverse of action attempts to seize the ship.
The unnamed hero, with a colorful outfit and a traditional mask, lifts the ship and tries to break it. Massive guns and tanks aim towards the hero and shoot out these weapons at high speeds, seemingly defying the vacuum of space itself. The superhero tries to dodge them, managing to avoid twelve, but is eventually hit by a boulder which explodes on impact. Vellan Skin Taker watches as these events unfold, jeering at the now defeated superhero. The Purples come together after spending half a week defeating the many villains within the Omniverse without breaking a sweat Widck brings his scry to locate Vellan Skin Taker. Vellan is headed towards a planet. Instantly, the three get together and dash towards the multiverse of action at breakneck speeds. Vellan stops at the planet, where the fight between Vellan Skin Taker and The Purples would begin. Vellan releases billions of guards to begin her mission, her guards land in multiple locations immediately start their mission, the technology used breaks cities, buildings and captures humans no matter what they are. All humans are instantly overpowered, justice systems and laws are overpowered all while the purples trio quickly travel towards the planet.
The Purples trio arrives in galaxy and descends toward the planet's atmosphere. Widck discusses their plan with his comrades, aiming to efficiently eliminate billions of guards. As they lay out their strategy, Widck, Enda, and Voida arrive at a secluded location. At first, they cause the ground to explode, creating a kilometer-wide crater. In a quick and nonchalant reaction, the three reach out their hands and prevent this from happening by manipulating reality and erasing aspects of it involving them. They soar through neighborhoods and cities to the location, only to see millions of guards overthrowing laws, destroying houses and buildings, and starting a huge apocalypse in their wake to capture humans, no matter who they are.
Widck creates a giant horn made from light that is barely visible and calls for a battle to be settled in the location. Widck grabs both Enda and Voida's hands, and the three release purple chains onto a rough ground the middle of the city. They jump down onto the area and create a huge explosion. Enda protects the area with huge candy walls. Widck telekinetically pushes all humans out of the area, leaving only the guards. The three shout out for Vellan Skin Taker to show herself and to have a chat with them. The guards quickly try to salvage their goals, and right as they do so, the three-part ways, with Voida grasping Enda and Widck parting as far away from the guards as possible.
Enda and Voida clasp hands before parting ways. Voida unleashes her Void Yo-yo, and Enda brings out her Ecstasy Scarf as they confront the guards. Enda attacks the guards, shooting spikey candy balls at them and smacking them with the scarf, which instantly turns them into candy. The guards try to use their shields, but it fails as Enda continues to transform them into candy. Voida uses her yo-yo to toss and whack the guards into the air, then kicks them back onto the ground. She ruthlessly attacks many furious guards with only her yo-yo, even grabbing a guard to spin them around, smash them on the ground, bring them close, and then kick the guard into a lone wall, causing a large impact. We cut to Widck's hand, where he is sending tons of garbage towards the guards, trying to stop the encompassing guards. They block it with their arms or shields, but Widck manages to break their defenses, sending the many guards into outer space with vacuum-defying waste. They fly into the ship at light speeds and the junk manages to explode, destroying the ship. In her supercell room, Vellan Skin Taker is alarmed about the salvaging the purples are doing and calls for the guards to quickly regroup and destroy the planet completely.
The millions of guards are bound by Widck's telekinesis and sent into the air. Enda and Voida launch attacks, with Enda using rainbow attacks and Voida using Void attacks against the guards. Part of the guards is wiped out, and Widck directs the surviving guards towards the ground. Widck plans to rip the continent and smash it onto the guards to kill them, and both Enda and Voida agree to this plan. Voida informs Widck that she is going to lift the continent, while Enda creates candy walls to protect the humans from the guards. Voida measures the continent in seconds, jumps into the ground, and kicks the continent up, while Enda lifts the candy walls and Widck breaks up millions of lands to land it on the guards.
Vellan Skin Taker triggers the explosion. Widck amplifies the rocks with his reality manipulation and increases the speed with his light manipulation. He then smashes the chunks of land onto the guards, wiping out many guards completely, regardless of their strength. Vellan prepares an energy blast towards the planet, which quickly alarms Enda. Enda urges the three to quickly end their efforts and protect the planet from harm. Voida jumps back up, slightly rotating the Earth's axis. Voida is alarmed about this information and, with her arms out and legs spread, tells Widck to bring her up to create a teleportation field. People are confused, worried, and intrigued about their safety after the battle between them and their guards.
The energy beam is quickly teleported to an unknown location, which alarms Vellan. She looks out to see a huge void covering the planet before it slowly disappears. Vellan seeks out to find more energy, alarming her guards to seek new location before it's too late. Suddenly the three fly into the ship, it seems that the three resolved the issue and damage they created on their planet, and they seek to salvage the guards' goals. Vellan orders her men to power the ship to leave the area, to find more energy and escape the galaxy. In an instant, the trio appears aboard the spacecraft, determined to stop all activities. Voida shouts for the guards to surrender. Vellan rushes toward them, sensing a powerful and otherworldly aura from the Purples. She urgently warns them to leave, or risk being turned into products themselves. The Purples scream back, pleading for her to abandon her plans, but Vellan remains unyielding.
With a swift motion, Vellan opens her door and deactivates the vacuum nullifier, causing most of the crew to be sucked into the void of space. The Purples, undeterred, fly out of the ship and prepare to destroy it using their powers. Suddenly, a massive tank swivels toward them and unleashes a colossal blast. The trio quickly forms a protective barrier, but the explosion is catastrophic, resembling a mini–Big Bang. The blast slows the expansion of two universes and obliterates countless stars, leaving a black void where the galaxy once was.
Overwhelmed by despair, the trio grapples with the magnitude of their loss. They share their grief over the destruction of the Omniverse, with Enda expressing her sorrow most intensely. Looking into the distance, she instructs Widck and Voida to hold her hand and prepare for teleportation. Voida completes the task of recreating the galaxy, which, although different from the previous one, now teems with new life. Hand in hand, Enda, Widck, and Voida teleport back to the ship. We suddenly see The Purples Trio running through Vellans Spacecraft; Widck Enda and Voida looks to be in a stressful and distant mood as they roam through all sections of the spacecraft as they try to find Vellan Skin Taker, they soon find a horrific discovery, the Human Vessel Room, a large room that is used to subdue and contain animals and humans. Intrigued by this discovery Widck uses his extreme speed to appear everywhere at once to explore the full size of this room. Widck Enda and Voida's act is interrupted by Vellan Skin Taker and her guards once more entering with angry, laughing, crying and confused humans. Widck, Enda and Voida dash through the spacecraft into Vellan's personal room at extreme speeds. They must have traveled to a new planet to capture more humans without a heep the Purples
5. 6.
The mom shouts "No! No, no! Please this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong!!" Vellan simply stands there and laughs before saying: "Oh--how quaint, two parents crying for a child, don't they know everything dies one day?" She continues talking to her nearby guards walking to her pristine, uncanny, clean base, while people are ruthlessly killed. The Purples suddenly appear nearby her and yells at her to stop her deeds, the trio are wrapped in a glowing rainbow swirling bubble field, intriguing Vellan Skin Taker she attempts to swindle them and, asks the trio if they are a supernatural being similar to the aliens she is born from. Widck yells at her that he would instantly destroy this ship and to ask her about her intentions. Vellan calmy steps close to them and explains that she needs to help her own planet with beauty, food and hydration by killing many humans. She views humans and anyone outside her race
Vellan attempts to break the window but it's futile without warning the chamber activates and completely cuts her.
19. {{{2}}}
Widck vs. Whoher:[]
Widck stops upon a strong gravitational force and looks upon it. A dark void swallows many multiverses, and Widck decides to stop it by going within the force and breaking the gravity with his astral sword. He sees a glowing, lonely lavender-colored light within the distorted and destroyed multiverses. Widck dashes into the multiverse to discover another void being created once more. He withholds it with his telekinesis and reality-warping ability.
Meanwhile, Whoher, formerly introduced in Chapter 9, resides on a lone, shiny small rock, seated on a queen's chair. She senses a psychic power and dashes up at extreme speeds. She questions Widck and asks why he is destroying the void. Widck turns to view Whoher and asks if she created the void and why she would cause such collateral damage In anger, Whoher shouts at him to move away and smashes two moons toward him. Widck dodges the moons and appears beside Whoher, refusing to attack due to his moral beliefs. He asks her about her troubling goals. Whoher attempts to attack Widck by shooting multiple moons and rocks at him, but Widck overpowers her entirely and pulls her and himself into the universe. The two land on a lone planet and decide to settle there. Whoher lifts the ground and proceeds to smash Widck with it, which creates a small landmass. As the land crashes onto Widck and the landmass grows. A beam of light shoots out of the landmass and shoots out into the 8th dimensional outer space. Whoher is shocked as Widck survives her seemingly damaging attack.
After a segue from Enda and Voida vs. Opian, Whoher lifts the ground and smashes Widck with it, creating a small landmass. As the land crashed onto Widck, the landmass grew, and a beam of light shot into the 8th dimensional outer space. Whoher was shocked as Widck survived the seemingly damaging attack. Widck then launched towards Whoher and attempted to attack her with a barrage of swords. When Whoher dodged those swords, Widck lifted the ground and launched it at Whoher, repeating the same process of lifting the ground and creating a new landmass. Seemingly, Widck might have defeated Whoher until she exploded from the landmass with lavender energy surrounding her. With her face lifted and confidently looking down upon Widck, who was angrily looking up at Whoher. Widck dashed towards Whoher, attempting to engage in hand-to-hand combat.
The two launched and kicked each other at faster-than-light speeds, both leaving a trail of energy behind them. Whoher and Widck attempted to push each other into mountains with their telekinesis. Instead, they created a large crater under them. Whoher quickly reacted by launching Widck into mountains, smashing thousands of rocks while doing so. Whoher then cloned herself, creating tens of herself before dashing towards Widck to fight him. Widck, unfazed, lifted all the debris under him and turned it into a light attack before launching it at the many clones.
Many clones were defeated, and the plenty who caught up to Widck were swiftly defeated by his combat prowess and his wielding of his Astral Sword. Widck summoned spinning swords around him and released them omnidirectionally at Whoher. Trying to dodge as these swords flew and cut her, she attempted to create a rock barrier before the swords could cut her. Widck screamed at Whoher, "You're fain I'm carrying backeth; I wouldst has't killed thee by anon!" taunting her about her strength and getting a reaction from her. Whoher screamed back at Widck, "Holding back!? How weak! Why don't you use all of your power if you are so sure that you'd kill me?" She shouted before lifting millions of minerals and contorting them into a worm-like vortex shape before crashing it into Widck. Widck survived this and, instead, cut it in half completely.
Widck created huge swords made from light and smashed them at Whoher. One sword managed to hinder and stab Whoher, harming her. Whoher attempted to crush Widck, but Widck quickly activated his Insovia Mirror attack, which smashed Whoher through the ground. Widck floated into the air and released an attack, Luminetic Swords of Light. Widck used his Insovia mirror to cut and stab Whoher while sending a barrage of blinding lights and swords towards her. Whoher attempted to use her rock barrier, but it was futile in this situation.
The Purples vs. The Ultimate King Man:[]
Yamoners story arc:[]
Yamoner was becoming a huge issue.
The Purples vs. Are and Nin:[]
The Purples vs. The Creweless:[]
The Purples vs. Yamoner:[]
Separate Storylines:[]
The Purples trio went their separate ways, each exploring their own stories. Widck's narrative, the last to be revealed, focuses on his journey of self-discovery as he confronts his former self. In this clash, his old identity faces off against his new Light Psycho self. Yet, Light Psycho presents a different viewpoint, proposing that there is an alternative path—one that allows for complete transformation. This exchange ignites a deep realization within Widck. In the end, he and his old self merge into a new identity.