First of all, the Purples series has many tropes including;
Just to name a few. This list is a fun list of the characters in The Purples that has many silly tropes portrayed throughout the media.
Of course, Yamoner's paradoxical unique character is shaped by her nihilism which is a contributing factor to her beliefs that herself, the Omniverse and everything all around her, is absolutely meaningless. But it's presented on a cosmic scale!
Each swipe, each yawn, each backstroke (not that kind of backstroke!), each turn and twist Yamoner does or gets (quit pushing it!) is resulting in the demise of the Omniverse. Of course, she couldn't control it because her nihilism is a part of her. So she acts it out on the Omniverse which is one of the most grandiose creations around her. The Omniverse was so huge that millions of gods would always come to that specific place daily, but Yamoners nihilism made her. Well, not partake in it. Until people mentioned her in vain, which caused her to destroy the Omniverse and all of existence.
Being a nihilist, she has a suicidal ideation that since she's taking everything's (including the verse she originally came from) down with her. She needs to destroy first the Omniverse then the plot, then everything else, then herself. Though of course, this fails because her and the Violet Sun manage to talk through this.
Similar to Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum but much more clear. She says this in one of the chapters!!!
She is nigh-omnipotent, and her power literally controls the plot! I mean, she can see the plot like it's a TV screen! Did she know she was a nihilist, did she know she was meeting the Violet Sun? Or something else?
She might look fine as ever fucking hell god intended her to be, but she is an Eldritch Abomination just in disguise (don't make that a 'nice guys' meme) Really represented in her form All in All.
Everything she says that is positive is not correct!!!! Don't trust her.
- God Is Neutral (almost all the gods)
Even though she's a nihilist, she can be both a jerk, yet a helpful figure (temporarily since she's the villain of the story). Though still doesn't excuse her actions she is a neutral being alike the other gods.
Like god is neutral but different.
Being a nihilistic god with omniscience and overpowered abilities sounds like torture! Whether thou thee be'thinketh Enda?!
Because she is!