Overview |
The Violet Sun, a pivotal character in The Purples series, is the deity responsible for creating the Omniverse and the Purples. Despite its immense power and knowledge, The Violet Sun struggles with a pessimistic view of the future, leading to animosity towards other gods, particularly Yamoner. This disillusionment drives it to alter history by creating the Omniverse, aiming to shape a future where its goals and attributes are passed down to its creations, the Purples trio. The Violet Sun debuts in Chapter 1 of The Purples and in Chapters 0.1 to 0.02 of 0.1 Seconds.
Despite being a powerful deity, The Violet Sun harbored a pessimistic outlook on every situation. Despite possessing knowledge of everything and anything, they were unable to feel positive about the future. The Violet Sun is a character within 0.1 Seconds who harbored animosity towards other gods due to the inevitable and ungrateful future that awaited all deities.
The strained relationship between Yamoner and the Violet Sun was the primary cause of the Violet Sun's dismay toward other gods. As a result, The Violet Sun made the decision to alter history by creating the Omniverse itself. This was created because the Violet Sun wanted a world where not only it could create for its future creation, but to pass on its goals and attributes to their later creation, the Purples trio.
During the fight between The Purples trio, The Omniverse, and Yamoner. The Violet Sun thought to enchant the trio with plot manipulation as well as his smaller characters, this eventually failed and instead his creations died. The Violet Sun felt intimidated enough to talk face to face with Yamoner, who changed her actions after their talk.
The Violet Sun is a huge violet being that emanates a purple glow. It is constantly burning and has a bright center within its circumference.
- Omnipotece: The Violet Sun is omnipotent, of course being a god it is completely all powerful and can't die by any means.
- Realm Creation: The Violet Sun created the pink lock, which is an infinite realm.
- Omnificence: The sun created the Omniverse which is already infinite and huge by size.
- Deity Creation: The Violet sun can create separate deities and characters.
- Creation The Violet sun can create anything and everything.
Characters | ||
Widck | Enda | Voida | Samuel Klerk | Poki | Dragonforce | Delallana | Jin | Kenteki | Jane Kaiken | Merary | Simantika | ||
Yamoner Delangu | Shriken Balloon | Vellan Skin Taker | Vellan's Guards | Whoher | the Ultimate King man | Are and Nin | Are | Nin | Ninare | The Crewless | Xantu | Xai | Cane | Manti | ||
Voida | Yamoner Delangu | Vellan Skin Taker | Samuel Klerk | Poki | Dragonforce | The Violet Sun | Enda | ||
The Violet Sun | Yamoner Delangu | Evren Parallel | Tallest Downward | Idea n' Goals | God of Smells | Hartz Quats | Eyes of Infinity | God of Movement | God of Taṅkam | God Ayin | God K |